Accelerate compensation planning with a custom Co-Pilot.

Mercer’s Merit Co-Pilot is here to support your organization
- Frustrated by the high human and dollar toll of your merit cycle, without driving real business outcomes?
- Questions about managing pay fairness risks directly in your compensation processes?
- Concerned with managers’ ability to make fair and unbiased decisions?
- Uncertain about how to improve your team’s efficiency with advances in analytics?
- Anxious about aligning organizational budgets with individual rewards?
Let us help you navigate these challenges, empower your managers to make more informed decisions, and unlock the full potential of your HR data.
What’s in it for you?
- Empower your people managers with customized merit recommendations for every member of their team.
- Streamline end of year merit and promotion pay decisions to generate workforce efficiency.
- Ensure consistent and unbiased pay practices across your organization aligned with your unique pay philosophy.
- Avoid surprises with pay suggestions which match budgets by design.
- Optimize and allocate your budget to attain your strategic goals.
- Strengthen compensation governance and build fairness into every decision.
Ready to accelerate your merit cycle? Download the brochure and watch our webinar recording to learn more.
Meet our experts
William Self | Partner & Global Leader, Workforce Strategy & Analytics
Lauren Mason | Partner & US Workforce Solutions Leader, Career
Brian Stucky | Senior Principal, Workforce Strategy & Analytics
Cheri Raffo | Principal, Workforce Strategy & Analytics
Jack Jones | Principal, Career